Photographing people in their natural environment is a rewarding outcome of travel, particulalry when the image is spontaneous and reflects the “inner self” of the subject. I have been fortunate to have travelled widely and here are a few of the images reflecting some of the people I have come across. It requires a combination of a lot of patience, a good manner towards the subject, with the right equipment and luck to capture the moment.
This is a growing area of my photography. The main aspect is to understand light and let the subject feel relaxed with natural expressions. The ability to bring out for the viewer the character and essense of the person being photograhed is a goal for portraiture.
Through the Bangkok Photographers group I have been introduced to this challenging form of photography. This is one of the most demanding art forms – how to reflect the natural beauty in a tasteful and flattering way.
I also have included light painting examples.
To avoid any offense this work is kept on a separate site which you can enter here. If nudity offends or under 18 then don’t go there.
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